Chicken Sopas



·         1 ½ cup uncooked elbow macaroni
·         300g chicken, thigh or breast part
·         3 pcs regular hotdog, sliced
·         1 stalk celery, chopped
·         1 medium sized carrot, cut into strips
·         ½ cabbage, sliced
·         1 medium sized red bell pepper, cut into strips
·         1 cup evaporated milk
·         1 small onion, minced
·         3 cloves garlic, minced
·         3 tbsp butter or margarine
·         1 chicken broth cube
·         3 tbsp fish sauce
·         Ground black pepper
·         Salt to taste
·         8 cups water


1.       Place chicken in a pot, add water and bring to a boil. Simmer for 20 minutes.
2.       Take chicken out of the water and set aside.
3.       While the water in the pot is still boiling, add the macaroni and simmer for 10 minutes.
4.       While waiting for the macaroni to cook, cut the chicken into cubes or tear into shreds using two forks.
5.       In a skillet, melt the butter or margarine then saute the garlic, onion, hotdogs and chicken.
6.       When the chicken have slightly browned, add the red bell pepper, celery and carrots then saute for another minute.
7.       Add the fish sauce then mix.
8.       Transfer all the ingredients in the skillet carefully into the pot.
9.       Add milk and chicken broth cube then stir.
10.   Add salt and pepper to taste.
11.   Lastly, add the cabbage and turn off the heat let the residual heat cook the cabbage.
12.   Serve hot and Enjoy!



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